If you are a looking for a new role in Brisbane at this time of year you have no doubt had it drummed into you that “Queensland slows down from Melbourne Cup until Australia day”…..”You may as well take 2 months off and not worry about your job search”….”Enjoy the time off with your kids over the school holidays”…..blah, blah, blah. This is true if you allow it to happen. Let me explain how I see the market at this time of year.
In my experience this is a great time to be looking for your next opportunity, as there is a real urgency around roles that are available, here are a few reasons why;
- A desire to complete the process before Christmas to allow for a January start
- If a role is advertised at this time of year it is often a reaction to a business critical driver e.g. timeframes slipping on a project, additional funding etc.
- Many of your competitors will have decided to ‘down tools’ and wait until the new year
- Projects will have completed reviews/forecasting
- Business will have completed reviews/forecasting
Now is the perfect time to renew those networks that may have slipped throughout the year;
- Reconnect via LinkedIn
- Invite someone for a drink
- Attend a networking function
- Attend an awards evening
Meet January Head On
I once read an article by one of the most successful ever Olympians…He said that he used to train hardest on Christmas Day because he knew everyone else would be taking it easy. Make yourself busy in December and January and take advantage of the head start;
- Book meetings for January now – diaries are mostly empty
- Review job alerts and make sure they are still relevant
- Update your LinkedIn profile
- Review your resume
- Renew/update your professional memberships and qualifications
Take advantage of this time of year and have a fantastic 2017!!!!!
You can contact Eden Ritchie Recruitment via our website and follow our team on LinkedIn and Twitter.