Todays job hunt no longer consists of flicking through classified and endless pages of results on job boards. Everyday new social media platforms are being released and used by job seekers and recruiters alike. Not surprising considering social professional networks are the fastest source of quality hires globally – and this has increased 73% over the past 4 years.
They say ‘first impressions last’! Well in the social media soaked world we live in we no longer have the ability to make that first impression in person with a smart suit or firm hand shake; this is now made through review of your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ …
So, where are you showcasing your ‘personal brand’? Where are you promoting your professional expertise? Are these platforms projecting a positive image for a prospective employer? Are they ‘employer friendly’?
Tips for creating a professional digital impression:
- Google yourself … Then review all of your social media accounts from the perspective of a potential employer
- Delete/Untag inappropriate photos
- Remove posts that could be potentially offensive (i.e. Race, gender, religion, or politics. These things can be taken out of context)
- Contribute to relevant forums and discussions
- Review your grammar and spelling
- Keep content up to date
92% of recruiters use social networking sites so whether you are actively seeking employment or not – remember we are looking at your profiles.
Make these sites work for you. There are endless sites with tips and information about how to better use each of the platforms to boost your job prospects. Eg.Mashable: The Ultimate Social Network Job Searching Guide
Contact Eden Ritchie via our website and following our team on LinkedIn and Twitter.